Thursday, November 6, 2008

maKeOver !~ 2

[Recently, Soda sales have dropped for the first time in 35 years, and Flavored water purchases have grown 36% since 2005!! ]

Several flavored waters simply offer a testier way to stay hydrated. Others contain additives such as vitamins, antioxidants, herbs, & caffeine, and make claims abt helping u relax, boosting ur energy level, and supporting ur immune system.

Cynthia Sass has 3 steps plan for healthfully navigating the sea of options. 1avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners; flavored waters are typically sweetened with natural sugarcane or fructose; it found that's linked to obesity & type 2 diabetes. 2 Keep it natural; some of the flavored water loaded with artificial colors and preservatives, look beyond the label & check the ingredient list. U may see plenty of words more reminiscent of a chemistry lab than a mountain spring, such as sodium hexameta-phosphate (a flavor protector also used in ceramics)!, sodium benzoate (a preservative & precursor to benzene, acknowledged by the FDA as a known cancer-causing substance), & ETDA (a stabilizer used in laundry detergents). Only buy brands that have terms u recognize. 3 Beware of health promises, u've probably seen flavored waters that promise to calm u or boost energy. They're typically fortified with vitamins, minerals, caffeine, and herbs like passionflower. Also, waters that are heavily fortified with vitamins & minerals may actually suppress ur immune system!!

Alternatively, for those who wanna make it at home, try these out :

Squeeze in wedges of lemon, lime, tangerine, or pink grapefruit, or mix water with unsweetened infused herbal- flavored tea.

Chill with cubes made from 100% juice, bits of real fruit, citrus zest & spices, or add a splash of 100% juice such as white grape or apple.

Stir in fresh mint, lemon grass, or grated ginger.

While I was surfing the net I found flavored ice cubes in grocery store! Interesting huh ! so it's another way to make ur water flavored ;p

Reference Prevention magazine


atoona said...

Diet water? lol, thats new.

نقوشيه said...

yeh 7da new & ridiculous too ! there's no point of makin' diet water or any other type !
3eshna o shefna ya atoona ;p